Internal Healing

Which Tea Reduces Bloating?

Which Tea Reduces Bloating?

Everyone will experience bloating at some point in their lives and certain people more regularly than others. Bloating is generally caused by excessive gas in the gastrointestinal tract and be the result of food intolerance, intestinal conditions (irritable bowel syndrome or constipation), dysbiosis in the gut or hormonal fluctuations (pregnancy or menstrual cycle).

Resolving these issues in the long-term will require a tailored approach however, one thing that can help relieve discomfort is sipping on a warm cup of tea. There are many teas that can help relax the intestinal tract, expel excess water and gas.


How To Prepare Tea To Prevent Bloating

If you’re considering using tea to help digestive issues, you’ll want to make sure you know how to prepare a proper brew. All teas are prepared by pouring hot water over the tea and leaving it to steep, however herbal and green teas differ in their preparation.


Green teas should be steeped for 3 to 5 minutes with water that is slightly cooler than boiling (75°C to 85°C). While herbal teas can be steeped at least twice as long with hotter water (around boiling point) to increase the potency and efficacy of the herbs. Herbal tea can also handle hotter water.


Teas For Bloating

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is a herbal tea made from fresh or dried peppermint leaves. It has several purported benefits from easing headaches, freshening your breath to aiding weight loss. But it’s undoubtedly most well-known for its ability to soothe digestive discomfort. The peppermint oil in the tea relaxes the digestive system and eases pain. It works by calming the muscles of the stomach and improving the flow of bile, which helps food to pass through the stomach more quickly. Try drinking peppermint tea 2-3 times per day after your meals to aid digestion and prevent gas build-up.


Green Tea

Green, black and oolong tea are all made from the same plant (Camellia Sinensis) but are processed using different methods. While black tea leaves are fermented and left to oxidise, green tea leaves are heated after harvesting to preserve their delicate flavour and colour. There are many different types of green tea, which differ in terms of the way the plant is grown, harvested and roasted.  The most common types of green tea are:

  • Sencha
  • Hojicha
  • Gyokuro
  • Tencha
  • Matcha
  • Funmatsucha
  • Konacha
  • Jasmine


Green tea is known for its high antioxidant content and carries many health benefits including promoting a healthy weight, preventing cancer and decreasing the risk of heart disease. It is very high in catechins, a naturally occurring flavonol that helps soothe the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. Green tea has also been shown to prevent gas build-up in the intestines and improve digestive function to allow the body to break down food more effectively. To reduce bloating and improve digestive function, try starting your day with a warm cup of green tea and enjoy 3-4 cups throughout the day.


Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is a herbal tea made from fresh or dried ginger, which is commonly used to treat many ailments. It is particularly well-known for its ability to soothe nausea and is often recommended for seasickness and morning sickness. Ginger contains a compound called gingerol, which has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects that can help relieve pain. Ginger calms the muscles of the intestine, expels gas from the digestive tract, thins the blood and improves circulation. Ginger tea can be consumed frequently throughout the day. It works well as the first drink of the day and can also ease digestion after a meal.


Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is a herbal tea made from dried chamomile flowers. It has long been used in traditional medicine as a pre-bedtime drink to help induce relaxation and promote restful sleep. There is also evidence that it can be useful in treating menstrual pain, diabetes and osteoporosis. The natural anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile tea can also be useful in treating bloating while the oils from the tea can break up gas in the digestive tract. Drinking chamomile tea before or after meals can help improve digestion and decrease bloating. While a cup before bed can help promote a restful night of sleep.


Fennel Tea

Fennel tea is a herbal tea made from dried fennel leaves and known for its health benefits from increasing breastmilk supply, supporting female fertility to fighting bacterial infections. It can also help to relieve bloating by breaking up gas in the intestines and increasing bile production, which aids digestion. To help with bloating, try drinking 2-3 cups of fennel tea a day after meals.


Lemon Tea

Lemon tea is usually prepared by adding lemon juice to green or black tea. Lemon is a great antioxidant and inflammatory, making it perfect for reducing blood sugar levels, soothing a sore throat and helping kick a cold. The citric acid in lemons can also increase urination, which can relieve bloating caused by excess water retention while its anti-inflammatory properties can help soothe the digestive system. Add a squeeze of lemon to your tea a few times a day to help with bloating.


Dandelion Root Tea

Made from the dried root of the dandelion flower, this herbal tea is a great natural source of potassium. A mineral that can boost heart and kidney health. Dandelion root tea is also a natural diuretic meaning it can increase urination and contains anti-inflammatory properties. You can drink dandelion root tea multiple times a day to relieve bloating, but it’s generally not recommended to drink it right before bed due to its diuretic effect.


Turmeric Tea

Turmeric tea is made from the root of the Curcuma Longa plant and boasts a long list of health benefits including counteracting arthritis symptoms and boosting the immune system. Studies have shown that it is effective at reducing pain and discomfort caused by irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) by reducing the number of bad bacteria in the gut. You can safely drink turmeric tea multiple times a day to reduce digestive discomfort and boost overall health.


Gentian Root Tea

Gentian root tea is a herbal tea made from the root of the Gentiana Lutea plant. It has been traditionally used to decrease inflammation, swelling and treat infections. However, its bitter flavonoids can also improve digestion, prevent gas build-up and reduce bloating. For the best results, drink a cup of gentian tea around 20 minutes before a meal to prevent bloating.


Try Colon Cleanse Pills Instead

Teas can be a great remedy to combat bloating and digestive discomfort, but it can be difficult to consume enough tea to achieve a therapeutic effect. If you’re looking for a natural remedy for your bloating, Overnight Cleanse pills may be exactly what you are looking for. Overnight Cleanse is a natural colon cleanse pill that harnesses the natural detoxifying elements of magnesium, oxygen and aloe vera to reduce gas and bloating symptoms. It can also be used to maintain a healthy bowel movement and support energy levels.